Visiting with X-mas, but i brought my dirty painting clothes too, and that felt good. After practising on the amigo's I wasn't afraid to ask them to sit for me too.
Hetty herself is the initiator of this open atelier modeldrawing. And this last session she showed us she can be a perfectly good model herself. Thanks for the great poses Hetty!
Pia Douwes is a dutch misicalstar, I dont think i ever have heard her sing, but i see she has great expression on her face. Now i want to catch that. After this little scetch, i know i need to try again, but that's allright.
I hope an opinion can be something that is not rock hard, but that is flexibel. We need to keep on thinking and stay open for change, because it is just an opnion, it might be wrong. Keep the discussion going on. Keep talking. Keep thinking.
Again i worked freely from a picture from Gianni Giansanti, and i am not sure wether i am finished with it already, but painting-time was over, friday at the open atelier. So this is her, for this moment.